When my youngest daughter saw Dr. Thompson the first time she was seven years old. She was effectively non-verbal, communicating mostly in giggles, grunts and squeals. She had been in speech therapy for three years with almost no results. She could say mama, dada, nana, her name, and the number one. She has suffered from seizures starting at three years old and is on two medications to control some of the symptoms.
All the doctors I had seen up until this point were at a loss. I had answers from she may never speak, to she will speak when she's ready. When conventional doctors and medicine have no answers for your child's conditions, what do you do?
Nothing in her care has changed over the last couple years, with the exception of Dr Ts' input.
As write this she is a week out from her ninth birthday. Currently her vocabulary has increased exponentially. She can parrot many words. She asks some of the "w" questions.
She brings home sight word books and can read them aloud. The grunts and squeals she used to use to communicate with are gone. I sometimes even get complete short sentences.
I find myself a little emotional writing this as I reflect on how far she has come. I consider us to be very lucky to have found Dr T. I truly believe his care has made all the difference in her progress. I am also very thankful to have him working with us. His approach to health and wellness can give relief and improvement, when all others fail.
~ Garett Duncan
I, Angela M. Bruneau, acknowledge the fact that my son, Aimon Nouri, was snatched away from the autism scale between the months of June and July of 2022. The change in cognitive awareness, demeanor, willingness to ask what/why/ how questions, athletic prowess (e.g. - 18 seconds in 100m swimming), and mouth-breathing are a testament to the efficacy of Dr. Thompson’s medical help. I will not forget the Aimon of yore, he will always be in my heart, but the Aimon of today and tomorrow will not be revisiting his old ways if I can help it, to this end i promise never-to-get in the way.